Colin's Senior Photos

October 09, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

This is a day I've been excited about for a long time. I got to spend it with this guy, just us. I had a great day and he did so great...he's a natural. More to come on this shoot, but for now, get lost in these baby blues. Love you Colin!

it's been a helluva ride, but it's time to go....

September 05, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

It's with a full but heavy heart that I tell you all I'm moving. My house has served me well and now I'm opening it up to all of you to make me an offer on anything in it. Jennifer loves me, but she doesn't want all this stuff.



Friday: 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Saturday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Sunday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm



My house. 25135 Brookview Blvd. Brownstown, Mi

Make an offer, take it with you. Have some beer and bourbon. Come by even if you don't want/need anything. I want to go out big. True Todd style. Click the link below for more photos.

House photos


The Kids are Alright

November 16, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

It's been a minute, hasn't it? I'm not going to bother talking about what a crud show 2020 is...we've heard enough about it and literally nobody has escaped it. Instead, I'll share some of the good things (like 2 good things...maybe 3). 

First good thing, the kids are still growing. I've managed to keep them fed and watered most days. I consider that a win. Mallory turned 12 last month. TWELVE. Another good thing - she doesn't have any gray hair yet. Yet.

Lydia turned 14 in June. It was pretty exciting. We did a whole bunch of not much. But a few days later we were able to squeeze in a trip to the Wisconsin Dells during the "quiet" period of COVID. You know, that minute between the end of days and the second end of days. It was a great trip and I'm pretty sure it saved our lives. At least for a week in June.

As far as me, I rode my bike a lot. Like, A LOT. One weekend I rode it 300 miles to raise a few buck for Make-A-Wish Michigan. It was fun, at times...painful, at times...and I'm pretty damn proud of it. It's nice to know my body isn't actually dust held together with remnants of old hopes and dreams.

The kids did remarkably well with remote learning. They did well with the three minutes they were actually in school this year, so that's good. Now we are back home, but with a lot less Boba tea supplies in the pantry.

My cat is still impossibly annoying. There is comfort in consistency.

So basically, we are still here analyzing things and making big plans to change all the stuff that's wrong in the world. If we are going to be stuck here, at least it can be productive. So I'll leave you with allll the photos of pretty fall colors and two pretty kick-ass daughters.

And if I have any advice to share (I don't, but if I did), it would be to not waste this time. Talk to each other. Commit to making things better than we left them. Our kids gave up a lot, but there is enormous opportunity to develop them in a much different way. Don't miss the chance. 

Happy Birthday!!!

April 09, 2020  •  1 Comment

As we are all aware, this isn't the ideal time to celebrate anything. There is so much uncertainty in the world we are currently living in and it's just not fair for the little ones in our lives who are unwillingly sacrificing so much. But like Mr. Rodgers said, "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping". Well, she was, and continues to be right. In the darkest of times come moments of unspeakable beauty. It makes us forget, even if only for a brief moment, what's happening around us.

Today, a sweet little girl turned 5 in my neighborhood. Although unable to gather and celebrate the way we are accustomed to, the show went on. And wow did it ever go on. Lines of cars wrapped around the entire neighborhood, including the fire and police. Over the sounds of cheering and horns and blasting music was the unmistakable sound of a squealing child in the throws of pure birthday bliss. 

I'm so proud of our community for so many reasons but this moment will be so hard to beat. (Although I wholeheartedly welcome the challenge.)

Just a few photos to share. These aren't the best because I had to stay far back, but we had a blast doing it! Thanks to all for this beacon of hope!!! We are in this together, Ohio strong!

Dusting off the Gear!!

April 07, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Whew! What the heck is happening? I swear I went to sleep on March 12th and woke up to a world unravelled. The last 3 weeks feel like a lifetime and I desperately need to find a way to channel all the stress and anxiety that comes with our new normal. Sooo I ordered some updated gear and will be jumping back in, but in a much different way.

To start, the new name that I briefly touched on the last time I attempted to blog. Capture 222. Growing up my younger brother and I seemed to randomly stumble upon this number all. the. time. It was everywhere. It was simply a goofy thing we always laughed about and shared. Still, to this day, it creeps up on us in unexpected ways and makes us laugh through random text spanning 3 times zones. So I thought it was a great way to honor the subtle things that keep us connected. How we capture our "222". 

Next, putting this skill to good use. I have some ideas and will be communicating those very soon. It feels good to get back to this, just as we are all getting back to the things we left behind for the hustle of our old daily lives. I look forward to connecting with more of you through the lens and through the written word of this blog.

In the meantime, take care of yourself and each other. Better days are ahead.

Just for fun, my favorite piece at the Toledo Museum of Art. I cannot wait to get back in there!!


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